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recycle right.
Residential Recycling Bin.png

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Imagine if everywhere you went, whether you were at home, at school, at your workplace, the airport or the baseball field, and you saw the exact same recycling label on recycling bins.  Imagine if you knew what could go in the recycling bin and what couldn't, throughout the entire state.  This is the what is so exciting about Rhode Island!


As the standardized labels make their way onto bins across the state, RIRRC hopes seeing them repeatedly will help to reinforce the most essential recycling rules, and therefore, good recycling habits. “We have a vision,” says Noiseux, “of a day where every child growing up in Rhode Island sees the same, basic, consistent recycling message on bins across Rhode Island—at  home, at school, at the park, at the mall, and eventually, at work.”   

Listen to what Katherine Hypolite and Brian Dubis of RIRRC have to say:

Katherine Hypolite - RIRRC Communications Director
Brian Dubis - RIRRC Plant Manager


At a time when it's most needed in the U.S., the state of Rhode Island is tackling the chronic issues that are causing recycling in the U.S. to collapse - and they're doing so with the most progressive solution and campaign in recycling history.  


During Earth Week 2017, some of the most influential VIPs and recognized faces in Rhode Island united at an event in Providence to celebrate Rhode Island's leadership as the first state to begin implementing the society-wide standardized labels on recycling bins, making it easy for people to begin recycling more and recycling right, wherever they might be.  These RI influencers also came to the event to participate in a photoshoot for the soon-to-launch statewide "Let's recycle RIght" PSA campaign to bring awareness to the new program. (The official PSA campaign will launch in June 2017).

At the event, world-renowned celebrity photographer Timothy White, once again contributed his creative genius to produce images of the RI VIPs in a witty way that brings recycling to life.  The images will be used in the PSA campaign to announce the implementation of the standardized labels on bins throughout Rhode Island and the importance of proper recycling.  Continuing the trailblazing theme for the evening, some of the VIP images from the photoshoot were also live-streamed onto Lamar digital billboards across the U.S. generating approximately 4.5 million billboard ad spots nationwide during Earth Week, thanks to a unique live-stream technology and an unprecedented billboard donation by Lamar Advertising!!    

RI Secretary of State, Nellie Gorbea

RI Secretary of State, Nellie Gorbea

Nellie Gorbea is the first Hispanic to win a statewide office in New England. In fact, she is currently the only Latina statewide office holder in the country. She's excited to celebrate another first ... RI being the first state to adopt the standardized labels for recycling bins statewide!

Lt. Governor, Dan McKee

Lt. Governor, Dan McKee

Prior to his election as Lt. Governor, McKee served as mayor of Cumberland, Rhode Island where he helped implement their recycling program. He is a pioneer in recycling and a believer in making it easy for people to do properly!

Dr. Timothy Babineau, CEO Lifespan

Dr. Timothy Babineau, CEO Lifespan

Lifespan is the largest employer in the state of Rhode Island. If you look closely, Dr. Babineau's tie and handkerchief in his pocket are foiled. Why you ask? Because we're pointing out that in RI you can recycle foil. To recycle foil properly, make sure it's relatively clean -- and then crumple it into a ball and put it in your recycling bin.

American Idol Erika VanPelt & Ryan

American Idol Erika VanPelt & Ryan

Erika Van Pelt is an American Idol contestant, RI sweetheart and partners with great musician Ryan Faraday. They are not only remarkable musicians, but also advocates for recycling right throughout RI and everywhere. It's music to their ears!

Gabe Toro, Head Soccer Coach CCRI

Gabe Toro, Head Soccer Coach CCRI

Gabe is a former RIU soccer champion and is now the head coach for the CCRI men's soccer team!

Jonathan Stone, ED Save The Bay

Jonathan Stone, ED Save The Bay

Jonathan is the Executive Director of Save The Bay, a nonprofit dedicated to improving and protecting bays and waterways.

Neil Steinberg, RI Foundation

Neil Steinberg, RI Foundation

Neil is the CEO of RI Foundation, which is the largest philanthropic organization in Rhode Island.

Shura Baryshnikov, Dancer/Actress

Shura Baryshnikov, Dancer/Actress

Shura is an educator at Brown University and is the daughter of Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jessica Lange.

Nate Bastein, Twisted Throttle

Nate Bastein, Twisted Throttle

Motorcycle designer, Nate Bastein, at Twisted Throttle, added the "Let's recycle RIght!" campaign to their fabulous motorcycle!

Kendrick Sampson, Actor and Advocate

Kendrick Sampson, Actor and Advocate

Plastic bags do not belong in the recycling bin and recyclables do not belong in plastic bags. Please avoid plastic bags if you can. If you do have plastic bags, please recycle empty and clean plastic bags and film at any retailer or grocery store that offers plastic bag recycling.

John Zox, Drummer, Zox

John Zox, Drummer, Zox

ZOX is a band from Providence, Rhode Island that is self-described as "violin-laced indie-rock". And John says let's rock recycling in RI and let's do it RIght!

Rhody the Ram, URI Mascot

Rhody the Ram, URI Mascot

Rhody the Ram is the spirit of the University of Rhode Island both at home and on the road. He's says, "Let's recycle RIght, RI! Now it's easy!". The Ram became the mascot on March 8, 1923 - he looks great for being in his 90s!

Ed Tarbox, Owner of Tarbox Toyota

Ed Tarbox, Owner of Tarbox Toyota

Ed Tarbox is 'hands down' one of the most recognized auto personalities in RI and is excited to jump in and make recycling thrive!

Chachi Carvalho, Rapper

Chachi Carvalho, Rapper

Charles “Chachi” Carvalho is the Rhode Island based award winning rapper, that says let's ch-ch-ch-change recycling to make it easier to do right and to make it thrive!

Alex Eaves, Reuse Pro & Filmaker

Alex Eaves, Reuse Pro & Filmaker

Alex Eaves isn't just the leader of the reuse movement, he's now a leader of the #LetsRecycleRIght movement!

DJ Cookie Policy

DJ Cookie Policy

DJ Cookie Policy says, recycling right is music to his ears. Thank you DJCP, for creating such a great music vibe at the RI event!

MaxMan, RI's Recycling Super Hero!

MaxMan, RI's Recycling Super Hero!

Gansett Girls: Amanda and Jamie

Gansett Girls: Amanda and Jamie

Gansett Beer Girls are saying we all have more fun when we drink responsibly and recycle responsibly! Enjoy a nice cold Nagansette Beer but make sure to recycle the can!

Julia Smiley - RI model

Julia Smiley - RI model

Thank you Julia for showing off the gorgeous gown which was designed and created by Randy Gary Neal Jr from Georgia! The amazing designer Randy, created the gown out of the "Let's recycle right!" celebrity billboard! The top is made from shredded paper and magazine pages. What a gorgeous way to reuse and make a statement!! Thank you Randy Neal and Randi from Catwalk Productions for making this gown possible!!

The "Let's recycle RIght!" photoshoot united all types of RI influencers and VIPs

who are coming together to bring about true environmental and economic progress!

The live-streamed billboards from the event feature a vast array of VIPs and influencers such as: Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee, Timothy Babineau CEO of Lifespan (RI's largest employer) - as well as soccer champions, actors, American Idol sweethearts, car dealership owners, dancers, professors, musicians, motorcycle manufacturers, rappers, models, philanthropists, executive directors, and many others.

A quote from Rhode Island's Congressman Jim Langevin:

“The standardization of labels for bins is crucial to promote recycling by reducing confusion and simplifying the process.

Rhode Island is the first state in the nation to adopt the society-wide standardized labeling and I applaud Recycle Across America and Rhode Island Resource Recovery for partnering to implement labels that will help us conserve resources

by improving recycling across our state and country.”   

See how the state of Rhode Island communicated the standardized label initiative to their residents:

Society-wide and national standardized labels on recycling bins and the celebrity "Let's recycle right!" PSA campaign throughout your state
makes it easy for people to recycle more and recycle right and it helps your state have a more viable and successful recycling program!
State-wide Standardized Labels

State-wide Standardized Labels

Help you entire state recycle right with the standardized label solution for residential and public facing bins.

Celebration and Recognition

Celebration and Recognition

When the State of Rhode Island came on board, we celebrated with a massive celebrity photoshoot party for the #LetsRecycleRIght PSA campaign. Images like this one were projected on digital Lamar Billboards across the nation!

Public Facing Standardized Labels

Public Facing Standardized Labels

With the Lets recycle right! celebrity PSA campaign.

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© 2023 Recycle Across America a 501(c)(3) dedicated to expediting environmental progress.  855-424-6522


RAA is an equal opportunity employer and we do not discriminate on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.  All images are copyright and trademark protected.  

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... begin displaying the society-wide standardized labels on their recycling bins, 

to make it easy for everyone, everywhere to be able to recycle right! 

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